Green Schools

Green Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. Its aim is to promote long-term, whole-school action for the environment through a student-led programme. Green schools has been in operation in our school for over 10 years and at this stage we have achieved flags to award our work in the following themes/areas:

  1. Litter and waste.
  2. Energy.
  3. Water.
  4. Global citizenship – marine environment.
  5. Travel.

We most recently achieved our Green Flag for Travel in 2021 after a lot of work put in by the Green schools committee. We are now working towards our 6th Green Flag, the theme being ‘Biodiversity’. 

As part of these initiatives, we have to devise our own school slogans. Some of the previous ones are as follows:

  • Water Flag: “Slow the flow, save the H2O!”
  • Global Citizenship – Marine Environment Flag: “Strangsmills go Green to keep the Oceans Clean!”
  • Travel Flag: “We care about clean air!”